January 19, 2009

It Is Well With My Soul

Since I can remember I have been singing the hymn It is Well with My Soul by Ho­ra­tio G. Spaf­ford. I have always found solace in the words and especially enjoyed belting it out in a cafeteria packed with college students who felt the same way. But yesterday was different. The words I have loved so many years actually registered in my brain.
You see, singing these words has helped me put things behind me. Not exactly a turning point, but the opportunity to consciously decide to let go of stupid hurts I'd been holding on to and forget them. I always thought the song was just about moving on after painful experiences.
But yesterday I couldn't get the words "whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my soul" out of my head. "My lot" has varied over the years sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes ever changing but regardless it has been well with my soul. God's sovereignty has not fluctuated with my roller coaster. He is constant. At the beginning, middle, and end of every part of my life.
So now when I sing this beloved hymn it won't just be time to put something behind me. It will be a reminder of God's constant sovereignty and the fact that deep down even if I don't feel it, it is well with my soul.


suzannah | the smitten word said...

this song has been on my mind this week too, as i consider what it looks like to experience peace in the midst of pain or frustration. the words are the words of deep, real faith--so inspiring.

plus, it reminds me of my grandma:)